Quality Mail Order Cactus, Succulents, Desert  Plants and Seeds

Tall Prairie Flower Mixture

Tall Prairie Flower Mixture

These seeds recreates prairie flowers that can provide habitat for beneficial insects and wildlife. Seed do best in moderate to moister sites, and the height ranges from 24 to 96 inches.  

Mix contains Bergamot, Blue Wild Indigo, Cup Plant, Grey-Headed Coneflower, Illinois Bundleflower, Joe Pyeweed, New England Aster, Ox-Eye Sunflower, Pale Purple Coneflower, Perennial Lupine, Prairie Ironweed, Purple Coneflower, Rattlesnake Master, Rigid Goldenrod, Showy Tick Trefoil, Smooth Aster, Smooth Penstemon and Thickspike Gayfeather.
Planting rate: 8 oz./1000 sq. ft.;  10-20 lbs./acre