Quality Mail Order Cactus, Succulents, Desert  Plants and Seeds

Super Short Flower Mixture

Super Short Flower Mixture

This popular mixture contains very low-growing annuals and perennials that are generally less than 10 inches tall. This mix creates a colorful, carpet-like appearance.

Mix contains Baby Blue Eyes, Basket-of-Gold, California Bluebell, Creeping Daisy, Creeping Zinnia, Dwarf California Poppy, Dwarf Sweet Alyssum, English Daisy, Five-Spot, Goldfields, Johnny Jump-Up, Maiden Pinks, Nodding Catchfly, Purple Rockcress, Soapwort, Virginia Stock, White Rockcress and Yellow Daisy.
Planting rate: 4 oz./1000 sq. ft.;  5-10 lbs./acre.