Quality Mail Order Cactus, Succulents, Desert  Plants and Seeds

Sage Country Grass Mix (Tall grasses)

Matt Lavin

Sage Country Grass Mix (tall grasses)
For sagebrush land of the western U.S. at elevations 3,000′ – 7,500′, 8-24 inches precipitation, spring rain.

25% Festuca idahoensis (Idaho Fescue)
25% Pseudoroegneria spicata (Bluebunch Wheatgrass)
25% Pascopyrum smithii (Western Wheatgrass)
10% Oryzopsis hymenoides (Indian Ricegrass)
10% Poa secunda (Sandberg’s Bluegrass)
5% Elymus elymoides (Bottlebrush Squirreltail)

Seeding rate: 1-2 lbs/1,000 sq. ft.