Quality Mail Order Cactus, Succulents, Desert  Plants and Seeds

Midwestern Wildflower Value Mix seeds

Plant Origin:

Midwestern Wildflower Value Mix seeds

Value Mixture for the Midwestern states.
Planting Rates: 5 – 10 lbs/acre
Seeds per pound: 593,000

Colorful annuals and perennials , including the following species (Scientific Name / Common Name): Echinacea purpurea / Purple Coneflower; Linum grandiflorum rubrum / Scarlet Flax; Iberis umbellata / Annual Candytuft; Gypsophila elegans / Annual Baby’s Breath; Coreopsis lanceolata / Lance-Leaved Coreopsis; Centaurea cyanus / Dwarf Cornflower; Gaillardia pulchella / Annual Gaillardia; Chrysanthemum maximum / Shasta Daisy; Dalea purpurea / Purple Prairie Clover; Rudbeckia amplexicaulis / Clasping Coneflower; Papaver rhoeas / Corn Poppy; Rudbeckia hirta / Black-Eyed Susan; Ratibida columnifera / Prairie Coneflower; Coreopsis tinctoria / Plains Coreopsis.